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Airport Industrial

Maps & Stops

Status information for this route is displayed for the current day.

Status is shown for a specific direction of each route. Direction can be changed with the selection box, below.

Click on a stop (denoted with a dot) to display stop description, stop number, status of next bus (on-time or late), and estimated arrival time.

    Download Map & Schedule
    Select a stop to see real-time information.
    For real-time information, select a stop on the left or click on the map.

    Schedules & Transfers

    Scheduled arrival times of a bus may vary due to traffic conditions, weather, or unforeseen events.

    Each row indicates the stop times for a particular bus.


    This table shows all possible transfers. Please refer to the schedule of the route you want to transfer to - not all routes run at all times.

    LocationTransfer to Route(s)
    Woodland Mall5, 6, 24, 28, 29, 44

    Kentwood Station36th @ East ParisG R Ford Airport44th @ Broadmore36th @ East ParisKentwood Station Arrive
    6:05 AM6:13 AM6:20 AM6:26 AM6:29 AM6:36 AM
    6:35 AM6:43 AM6:50 AM6:57 AM7:00 AM7:07 AM
    7:05 AM7:13 AM7:20 AM7:27 AM7:30 AM7:37 AM
    7:35 AM7:43 AM7:50 AM7:57 AM8:00 AM8:07 AM
    8:05 AM8:13 AM8:20 AM8:27 AM8:30 AM8:37 AM
    8:40 AM8:48 AM8:55 AM9:02 AM9:05 AM9:12 AM
    9:35 AM9:43 AM9:50 AM9:57 AM10:00 AM10:07 AM
    10:15 AM10:23 AM10:30 AM10:37 AM10:40 AM10:47 AM
    11:05 AM11:13 AM11:20 AM11:27 AM11:30 AM11:37 AM
    11:55 AM12:03 PM12:10 PM12:17 PM12:20 PM12:27 PM
    12:45 PM12:53 PM1:00 PM1:07 PM1:10 PM1:17 PM
    1:35 PM1:43 PM1:50 PM1:57 PM2:00 PM2:07 PM
    2:25 PM2:33 PM2:40 PM2:47 PM2:50 PM2:57 PM
    2:48 PM2:56 PM3:03 PM3:10 PM3:13 PM3:20 PM
    3:10 PM3:18 PM3:25 PM3:32 PM3:35 PM3:42 PM
    3:40 PM3:48 PM3:55 PM4:02 PM4:05 PM4:12 PM
    4:10 PM4:18 PM4:25 PM4:32 PM4:35 PM4:42 PM
    4:40 PM4:48 PM4:55 PM5:01 PM5:04 PM5:11 PM
    5:10 PM5:18 PM5:25 PM5:32 PM5:35 PM5:42 PM
    5:35 PM5:43 PM5:50 PM5:57 PM6:00 PM6:07 PM
    6:05 PM6:13 PM6:20 PM6:27 PM6:30 PM6:37 PM
    6:40 PM6:48 PM6:55 PM7:02 PM7:05 PM7:12 PM
    7:30 PM7:38 PM7:45 PM7:51 PM7:54 PM8:01 PM
    8:20 PM8:28 PM8:35 PM8:41 PM8:44 PM8:51 PM
    8:55 PM9:03 PM9:10 PM9:16 PM9:19 PM9:26 PM
    9:30 PM9:37 PM9:44 PM9:50 PM9:53 PM10:00 PM