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Maps & Stops

Status information for this route is displayed for the current day.

Status is shown for a specific direction of each route. Direction can be changed with the selection box, below.

Click on a stop (denoted with a dot) to display stop description, stop number, status of next bus (on-time or late), and estimated arrival time.

    Download Map & Schedule
    Select a stop to see real-time information.
    For real-time information, select a stop on the left or click on the map.

    Schedules & Transfers

    Scheduled arrival times of a bus may vary due to traffic conditions, weather, or unforeseen events.

    Each row indicates the stop times for a particular bus.


    This table shows all possible transfers. Please refer to the schedule of the route you want to transfer to - not all routes run at all times.

    Please note - Route 60 (GRCC) only runs Monday-Thursday
    There is no schedule for this route and timeframe.